Yuriy Figurny

Yuriy Figurny

ORCID: 0000-0002-6463-0920

DOI: 10.17721/2522–4611.2020.41.4



Abstract: The article analyzes the contemporary socio-political consequences of the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. It has been found that the major socio-political consequences of the undeclared Russo-Ukrainian hybrid war are a significant increase in a number of determining factors, including militaristic, state, national, ethno-cultural, religious and civilization. It is revealed that a radical renewal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the domestic military-industrial complex will help Ukraine to turn from a post-totalitarian Eastern European state with a post-Soviet army into a potential regional leader. It is shown that only a legal, democratic, innovative, prosperous state can guarantee the progressive development, preservation and further sustainable development of Ukrainian identity and geopolitical subjectivity for Ukraine and Ukrainians. It is established that in the conditions of Russian aggression creation of the Ukrainian political nation and strengthening in the society of civil society will significantly help consolidation of Ukraine and its victory over the aggressor. It is revealed that only with the restoration of statehood in 1991 began an ethno-cultural renaissance, which, despite significant shortcomings and under-development, contributed to the spread of the Ukrainian language and the respect for ethno-cultural traditions. It is shown that the creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine contributes both to overcoming the split in Ukrainian Orthodoxy and to uniting political Ukrainianness in the name of the final victory over the Russian invaders and their possessions, including among the adherents of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is proved that in the conditions of Moscow aggression, Ukrainians need to mobilize in order to get rid of Eurasianism and help return to Ukraine the geopolitical, geo-economic and geocultural space of European civilization.

Key words. Ukraine, Ukrainians, Ukrainian state, Ukrainian National Revolution of the beginning of the ХХІ-st century, Russian Federation, unannounced Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war.

Received by the editorial board: 4.10.2019


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