maria Georgieva
Maria Georgieva
ORCID: 0000-0002-0567-1589
DOI: 10.17721/2522–4611.2020.41.5
Abstract: The article describes the experience of state regulation of the agrarian sector of the Bulgarian and Romanian economy in the European integration conditions. The analysis of the historical conditions of the formation of the state agrarian policy of Bulgaria and Romania is carried out in order to determine the regularities of the mechanisms of public administration and regulation of the development of agrarian relations in the conditions of European integration. In the course of the study, extensive methodological tools were used, in particular, methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, unity of logical and historical approaches, comparative law, historical law and formal law. The scientific novelty is to study the Bulgarian and Romanian experience of the basics of state regulation of the agrarian sector of the Bulgarian and Romanian economy and to substantiate proposals for improving the mechanisms of state regulation of Ukrainian agriculture, which will allow to resolve the contradictions of the development of the agrarian sphere in the conditions of integration into the European historical space. Conclusions. In the article, the laws of state regulation and management in the conditions of European integration are studied on the basis of the experience of agrarian transformations in Bulgaria and Romania in the European integration conditions. In European countries, the agricultural sector is not a self-sufficient sector of the economy. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the functional and effective support of the state for the comprehensive development of agriculture. The beginning of the reform of agriculture was accomplished through the introduction of a strategy and system of mechanisms for state support of the agrarian sector of the Bulgarian and Romanian economy. By implementing a set of measures for the state management of the agricultural sector, the Bulgarian and Romanian economy solved the problem of agricultural stagnation, strengthened the interaction of the state with agricultural producers and maintained a stimulating effect on the industry. It is established that an alternative method of supporting agricultural producers, in the context of Bulgaria's and Romania’s European integration aspirations, may be government lending mechanisms. Bulgaria and Romaniahas embarked on the path of an associate EU member during one of the most difficult periods of its history. With a view to overcoming the systemic crisis, consolidating the country, confronting external aggression and overcoming its consequences, it is never more important to ensure the maximum positive effect of European integration for the development of Bulgarian and Romania society.
The European choice was to become the basis for nation-wide unity based on the idea of modernizing the country. Renewal of guarantees to all, without exception, residents of Bulgaria and Romania of their constitutional rights in full - the first extremely serious examination of Bulgaria and Romania as an associated EU member.
European integration processes have become an integral feature and direction of development of the agrarian sector of the Bulgarian and Romanian economy. In this regard, it was necessary to develop an agricultural policy that would take into account the socio-economic, environmental, demographic and other components, and would be based on familiarization, study and practical application of agricultural experience in foreign countries, which caused a naturally increased interest. Of paramount importance is the interdependent activities of the state and business entities, aimed at ensuring food security, in particular at the regional level, and an integrated approach in planning territorial development.
Bulgaria's and Romania’s accession to the EU accelerated the development and implementation of the new agricultural policy, intensified control over its implementation in the agro-development management system, facilitated the attraction of internal and external investments, ensured the state's participation in the development of the provisions of the Common Agricultural Policy and rules of international trade in agricultural products.
Key words: agrarian sector of economy, state regulation, Bulgaria, European Union, integration, agrarian relations.
Received by the editorial board: 5.12.2019
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