nina veselskaya

Nina Veselskaya

ORCID: 0000-0002-9145-3982

DOI: 10.17721/2522–4611.2020.41.7



Abstract: The purpose of this article is the analysis of historical and statistical research of Ukrainian land by Polish scientist A. Yablonovsky, that were contained in his publications «Źródła dziejowe». This historical edition became one of the largest editions in the Polish and Ukrainian historiographies of the nineteenth century. Methods of historiography, synthesis and methods for comparing were used here.

This article attempted to analyze a value of the statistical sources for study history of Ukrainian land in XVI – XVІII. Especially, in this article were described the particularities of the research of lustration Ukrainian lands in the 1-st part of XVII and castle revisions, that is very important for the analysis of social and economical conditions in XVI – XVІII century.

The proceedings «Źródła dziejowe» is an important source for studying the history of Ukraine. It contains large source of material and extensive historical research by A. Yablonovski concerning the geographical, statistical and socio-economic situation of different regions of Ukraine.

Lustration and revision of castles, elders, royal lands are important sources of the history of Ukrainian lands in the 16th – 18th centuries. Lustration is a set of statistical documents, descriptions of periodic government inspections in order to calculate the profitability and taxation of royal estates.

Lustrations contain significant factual material about settlements, development of the economy, structure and category of the population, its duties, etc. During the XVI – XVIII centuries government introduced twenty lustrations.

Revision is a group of documentary sources, which can be attributed to several types: descriptive-statistical, registration-accounting, information-reporting, economic-statistical, economic-geographical, mass, etc.

Revisions and lustration are a valuable source for studying the composition and functions of administration, legal and economic life of Ukrainian lands in the 16th century. A. Yablonovsky published sources and provided information about the state and means of defense of the Ukrainian castles in the XVI century, adding information from other sources available to him at that time.

There was no such general review in Polish or Ukrainian historiography before. Descriptions of individual castles were given in monographs devoted to some land. The scientific work A. Yablonovsi is important because he published the source base, collected and published valuable source sights, many of which have now been lost. Historian on the basis of their analysis and materials available to him covered some issues of the history of Ukrainian lands – for example the colonization processes in the territory of Ukrainian lands, their administrative and territorial structure and socio-economic development in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In addition, materials of lustration and audits cover the peculiarities of the founding and functioning of castles in the Ukrainian lands.

In this article was analyzes the position of Bratslav castl during the 16th – 17-th centuries. In this article was highlighted the features of their economic, defense, administrative and territorial structure, population, land relations in Ukrainian lands. This edition became one of the largest collections of documentary material in Polish and Ukrainian historiography of the 19th century.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the historical and geographical researches of the scientist about Bratslav castl in the XVI – XVII centuries, which are reflected in his original editions, which were published in the second half of the XIX century on the basis of the revision of these locks by the Polish Government. The materials of the castle audits are important documents for the analysis of the defense and socio-economic situation of the Ukrainian lands during the period.

The Bratslav Castle was located farther south, not far from the Wild Field. It was built during the rule grand duke of Lithuania Alexander I Jagiellon. The castle was quite small, not ready for war. According to the description, the castle lacked a sufficient number of weapons and military. Since Bratslav Castle, like other Podolian castles, was completely destroyed, now we can recreate the peculiarities of its functioning, determine the role in the system of defense of the region and the appearance of the building using A. Yablonovsky's research.

Key words. A. Jablonowski, historical sources, castles, Źródła dziejowe, Bratslavsky Castle.

Received by the editorial board: 6.12.2019


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