Vitaliy Krukovsky

Vitaliy Krukovsky

Student of master's degree, the Faculty of History, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

ORCID: 0000-0001-9069-1498

DOI: 10.17721/2522–4611.2020.42.10




Abstract. The purpose of the study is to analyze the prerequisites for the establishment and operation of Ukrainian youth organizations in Canada during the 1940s and 1990s. In view of the fact that millions of citizens have left Ukraine in the last decades, who have moved to the Western countries in search of work or a higher quality of life, the subject of the Ukrainian diaspora and its youth organizations continues to be updated. In Canada, home to over 1 million 300,000 Ukrainians, the challenge is to educate future generations in the ideals of patriotism. The youth of the Ukrainian community make a big contribution to its implementation. Using the historical method, common scientific methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis, with the involvement of archival documents, the active role of youth associations under the auspices of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee in shaping the national identity of those born in emigration, as well as their involvement in the struggle for independence, has been restored.

At the same time, with the autonomy of the youth movement, the descendants of their older generation organically fit into the general, public associations of Canada. Along with parents who have arrived from Ukraine, children born in Canada uphold national traditions and care for national identity in the context of a new homeland. Moreover, they continue to liaise with their native Ukraine, seek to influence the social moods there, promote anti-communist, democratic processes.

Youth associations in the Ukrainian diaspora of Canada have acted differently, but they have done the most important thing: they have preserved and developed the traditions of the Ukrainian youth movement, enriched it with new forms and methods of activity. There are many events and facts in the history that testify to the active public activity of youth associations in order to preserve the identity of Ukrainian Canadians, restore the state independence of Ukraine.

Keywords: Ukrainian Diaspora, youth organization, youth movement, The Ukrainian Canadian Committee, Plast, Union of Ukrainian Youth, Ukrainian Youth Council of Canada.

Received by the editorial board: 29.07.2020


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