Halyna Kotsur

Halyna Kotsur

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Archival Studies and Special Branches of Historical Science, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

ORCID: 0000-0001-7777-4248

Researcher ID: AAD-1389-2020

DOI: 10.17721/2522–4611.2020.42.14



Abstract. The purpose of the article is to find out the reflection of the domestic local lore on the pages of the «Journal of Ukrainian History». 2004-2020 are the chronological boundaries of the study. During the covering of the topic were used dialectical, axiological, historical-comparative, historical-typological, historical-systemic methods.

It is about the importance of local lore in the revival of the spirituality and historical memory of the Ukrainian people. A large array of publications is devoted to the research of historical and theoretical problems of studying the history of Ukrainian towns and villages, the issues of preservation of the material and spiritual cultural monuments, the local lore through the prism of persons, monument studies and museology. The journal reflects the activities of local historians on the revival, development and popularization of folk art, the use of folk traditions and rites, preservation and enrichment of historical and cultural heritage, education of respect for historical and cultural values, traditions of Ukrainian and other peoples.

It is noted that the vast majority of material are devoted to famous and lesser-known figures, cities and towns of Ukraine. The attention is focused on the research of Ukrainian artistic monuments. The publications focus on the history of Kyiv, the activities of scientific societies, the Kyiv Literacy Society, Kyiv Higher Women's Courses and studies about Kyiv.

There are considered the issues as the «Journal of Ukrainian History» has been covered the local lore movement in Ukraine: from its origin to the present. A panorama of modern local lore life is presented.

Key words: journal, «Journal of Ukrainian History», local history, local lore topics, scientific researches, popularization of regional history, national memory.

Received by the editorial board: 7.07.2020


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