Nataliia Kovalenko

Nataliia Kovalenko

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Senior Research, Chief Researcher of Science Sector, Institute of History of Agrarian Science, Education and Technique, National Scientific Agricultural Library of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.

ORCID: 0000-0002-0996-0732

Researcher ID: D-2429-2019

DOI: 10.17721/2522–4611.2020.42.4



Abstract. The purpose of the article is to carry out on the basis of consideration of popular science publications and archival materials a holistic scientific and historical analysis of the priority areas of activity of a prominent publicist, public figure, politician, philanthropist and philanthropist Ye.Kh. Chykalenko in the revival and development of agrarian Ukraine. The research methodology is based on the use of general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, systematization and classification of archival materials and printed sources. In the course of the research special historical methods were used: problem-chronological, comparative-historical, retrospective, biographical, which helped to determine the priority areas of the prominent agronomist-theorist, landowner and popularizer of the latest agricultural ideas in the Ukrainian revival. The creative heritage and contribution of Ye.Kh. Chykalenko in the revival and development of agrarian Ukraine in the late 19th – at the beginning 20th century. It is established that the practical management of agriculture has become an important period of its activity due to the application of advanced methods in agriculture, animal husbandry, fodder production, viticulture, horticulture and management. As an innovator and educator in the field of agriculture, he paid attention to the latest measures that ensure the preservation of soil moisture and help combat drought in southern Ukraine. Thanks to the popularization of agronomic knowledge in six brochures in the Ukrainian language under the general title «Conversation about agriculture» he managed to improve the sectoral education of peasants, to expand their use of leading agro-technical measures and technical improvements. Thus, an important contribution of Ye.Kh. Chykalenko, as an agronomist-theorist and practitioner, landowner and popularizer of the latest agricultural ideas for the Ukrainian peasantry in the revival and development of agrarian Ukraine in the late 19th – at the beginning 20th century.

Key words: historical development, agricultural innovations, practical management, agricultural and animal husbandry directions, scientific and journalistic editions, scientific and educational activity.

Received by the editorial board: 7.07.2020


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