Oleksii Antoniuk

Oleksii Antoniuk

PhD (History), Associate Prof. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

ORCID: 0000-0002-3076-2343

Researcher ID: AAT-5684-2020

DOI: 10.17721/2522–4611.2020.42.5


Abstract. The article focuses on the analysis of the communist government’s religious policy towards the Catholic Church in Poland during the propaganda campaign “struggle for peace” in 1949-1950. The purpose of the study is to find out the main directions of the communist government’s policy towards the Catholic Church and to characterize the consequences of this policy. The research methodology is based on the principle of historicism. Among the methods of historical research were used: analysis and synthesis, problem-chronological, comparative and systematic. The source base of the research is presented by the documents of the Archive of New Acts in Warsaw (funds of the PZPR Central Committee, the Office for religious affairs) and by the publications in the party-state press. Current status of scientific development of the topic indicates the absence of special studies in Ukrainian historiography. The process of formation of the Polish Committee of peace supporters and its involvement in the organization of signature-collection campaign for the Stockholm Appeal is reflected in the article. The emphasis is on clarifying the forms and methods of anti-religious policy. In an attempt to involve the Catholic Church into the Peace Movement in Poland, the communist government actively implemented propaganda measures aimed at increasing anti-war feelings in society and pursued the intimidating policy towards the population. The evolution of the episcopate’s position on participation in the “struggle for peace” campaign is traced. Unwilling to get involved in the political affairs of the state, the episcopate decided not to take part in the signature-collection campaign for the Stockholm Appeal. However, under intense pressure from the authorities, the episcopate was forced to retreat and make concessions. Nevertheless, the authorities continued their policy of repression and massively fired religious teachers from schools. The main methods of political struggle against the clergy were mass repression, administrative pressure, coercive measures and persecution by the government. The consequences of the confessional policy of the communist government, which consisted in involving the episcopate in the “struggle for peace” political campaign and in further division among the clergy, are analyzed.

Key words: the Catholic Church, communist government, Stockholm Appeal, the Pope of Rome, clergy, episcopate.

Received by the editorial board: 3.07.2020


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