Natalia Shulha

Natalia Shulha

Postgraduate National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.

ORCID: 0000-0003-4063-6911

DOI: 10.17721/2522–4611.2020.42.6



20's - 60's OF THE 20th CENTURY

Abstract. The article analyzes the M.O. Tiuleniev's teaching activities in educational institutions of the Ukrainian SSR during the 1920’s – 1960’s, in particular, his contribution to the training of the students of agro-ameliorative profile, as well as highly qualified specialists through postgraduate school. The thesis about the existence and organizational formation of the Ukrainian school of drainage reclamation headed by M. O. Tiuleniev, under whose guidance V. R. Gimbarzhevskyi, M. K. Kovalevich, P. P. Kubyshkin, I. Z. Lapa, S. S. Proskura, S. K. Semionov, M. N. Shevchenko, F. P. Shklyar, A. M. Yangol and others defended the dissertations, was substantiated. He – the author of more than 200 scientific papers – became a recognized classic of reclamation-research work in the Soviet period.

The author used problem-chronological, comparative-historical, descriptive and biographical methods in the research.

It is established that M. O. Tiuleniev taught the educational courses for students of the Kyiv Agricultural Institute (now – National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine), Kyiv Hydromelioration Institute / Kyiv Engineering-Reclamation Institute (now – National University of Water Management and Environmental Management in Rivne), Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences on the culture of swamps and meadows, general agriculture, swamp science, seed production and selection of meadow grasses, research work; headed the structural units of higher educational institutions of the Ukrainian SSR. During the 20's – 60's of the 20th century the teacher trained specialists in the fields of hydraulic engineering, agro-amelioration, etc., managed diploma projects, student internships. Under the scientific guidance of the Professor, dissertation researches of postgraduate students for the degree of candidate of technical and agricultural sciences were defended. He is considered the founder of the scientific school of drainage land reclamation; the M. O. Tiuleniev’s followers continued developments of their teacher on the problems of drainage reclamation and growing the crops on drained peat soils.

It is found that educational-scientific and organizational activities of the scientist as a Professor at the Department of Agricultural Land Reclamation and Forage Production of the Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences requires further study, as well as a detailed analysis of his scientific school and the establishment of a cohort of learners and followers M. O. Tiuleniev.

Key words: M. O. Tiuleniev, Kyiv Agricultural Institute, Kyiv Hydromelioration Institute, Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, training of the specialists, agromelioration, teaching, Ukrainian School of Drainage Reclamation.

Received by the editorial board: 16.07.2020


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