Mariia Georgieva
Mariia Georgieva
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law National University of Transport.
ORCID: 0000-0002-0567-1589
Researcher ID: AAS-3647-2020
DOI: 10.17721/2522–4611.2020.42.9
Abstract. The article deals with the current state, problems and prospects of reforming the agrarian sector of Bulgaria, examines the main results of activity, analyzes a number of negative tendencies that impede the effective activity of agrarian enterprises, namely: the complexity of fuel price forecasts, inflation, imperfect regulatory framework, unstable political and legislative base situation, corruption. The positions on perspective directions of development of the agro-food market are substantiated, namely: introduction of the land market, elimination of the “shadow” grain market, improvement of logistics, development of organic production. In Bulgaria, the agrarian sector of the economy was reformed, which resulted in the creation of small, privately owned, market-oriented agricultural structures, built on private land ownership in symbiosis with individual, collective and family forms of labor organization. At the same time, in the process of development of the agrarian sector of the Bulgarian economy, a number of problems arose regarding the formation of a modern material and technical base, lease land relations, pricing policy and the introduction of European mechanisms for managing the agrarian sector.
The ways of development of the agro-industrial sector of Bulgaria envisage balanced and interconnected structural restructuring of all its branches, maximum introduction into production of the most important achievements of scientific and technological progress, world experience, the most progressive forms of economy and organization of production on the basis of priority solving of topical problems: property, including the deepening of land ownership relations and the introduction of mechanisms for the realization of property rights; privatization of processing enterprises; restructuring of enterprises and forms of management; development of cooperation; introduction of market management methods - management and marketing; state regulation of the agrarian economy through more efficient use of price levers, financial credit and tax systems; development of markets for agricultural products, logistical resources and services; intensification and diversification of foreign economic activity, etc.
The priority of the development of the agro-industrial sector of Bulgaria and its leading industries makes it possible to provide the population with food, industry with raw materials, and foreign trade with export goods.
In today's conditions of European integration of Bulgaria being strategic important for the state food policy, the agrarian sector of Bulgaria was the object of reforms in the process of improving the mechanisms of public administration, as the basic component of this economic institute was agricultural production along with social rural infrastructure. For these reasons, the development of governmental mechanisms for agricultural optimization the sector will ensure the sustainable development of a significant number of Bulgarian economic sectors and most importantly - effective development of the social infrastructure of the village and create the foundation of a proper economic level its inhabitants.
The current stage of rural development Bulgarian economy was accompanied by exacerbation a number of socio-economic problems. However, even for the agrarian sector continued in unfavorable conditions demonstrate the acceptable pace of development in first, the result of the land and agrarian reforms. In addition, new challenges are required timely response of the state, agrarian science and practice. From how fast and efficient it is the Bulgarian agrarian sector has adapted to the new ones conditions of management, its further depend prospects to take a worthy place among the leading agricultural producers in the world.
Thus, implementation of a characterized and justified optimization mechanism the state administration of the agrarian sector of Bulgaria will allow to create effective organizational and legal the basis for the development of the sector, agriculture. A significant positive impact is expected increase of export potential of Bulgarian agricultural sector, decrease of seasonal import dependence Bulgarian consumer market for agricultural products.
Keywords: Bulgaria, land market, agricultural sector of economy, governance mechanisms, European Union, reforms, agriculture.
Received by the editorial board: 13.07.2020
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