Natalia Zaika

Natalia Zaika

Senior scientific researcher, National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereyaslav».


DOI: 10.17721/2522-4611.2021.44.10




Abstract. The aim of the article is to analyze and introduce into scientific circulation, first of all, the materials of the ethnographic collection of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereyaslav». In particular, Pereyaslav woven towels of the 60-90s of the XX century.

The methodological basis is general scientific principles and research methods. Among them are search, analysis and synthesis, generalizations that allowed to investigate this issue and reveal it.

The article presents a study of Pereyaslav woven towels, which came to the funds of the reserve in the second half of the 80's of the XX – early XXI century. The author covers the issue of raw materials from which towels are made, their weaving technique, color features; characteristics of compositional and ornamental motifs.

It is noted that in total there are eight stages of receipt of woven towels of Pereyaslav region in the funds of NHEZ «Pereyaslav». The most numerous collection of woven towels based on spool thread. The second group is towels woven on the hemp and linenbase. According to the color scheme, they can be divided into polychrome, with a predominant red and black color scheme. The most numerous group are towels with multi-colored scale. According to the compositional arrangement of ornamental motifs, you can note the towels with a clearly defined center, which occupies the main part of the composition and clearly defined horizontal stripes are distinguished.

In comparison with the ancient Ukrainian towels, ornaments products of 60-90 years of the twentieth century have one characteristic difference, i.e. geometrical forms of ancient patterns on themreceive a naturalistic look.

As a result of the research, the author came to the conclusion that the folk woven towel of 1960–1990 underwent significant changes in coloring, in the basic techniques of execution and their combinations, in ornaments and raw materials. It should be noted that in some cases the elements of the traditional folk towel (home-woven cloth, cloth, compositional schemes, fragments of ancient ornaments) have been preserved.

Key words: towel, collection, weaving, thread, Pereyaslav region, NHEZ «Pereslav».

Received by the editorial board: 16.03.2021


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