Viktor Tkachenko

Viktor Tkachenko

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, leading Research Fellow of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereyaslav».


DOI: 10.17721/2522-4611.2021.44.15


(Review of the publication «The figure of Mykhailo Sikorsky through the prism of postal correspondence. Compiled by T. V. Grudevych. Pereiaslav-Kamyanets-Podilsky: LLC «Printing House “Ruta”», 2020. 148 p.»)

Abstract. Reviewing the publication «The figure of Mykhailo Sikorsky through the prism of postal correspondence» the author-compiler of which was T. Grudevych, V. Tkachenko, noted that the scientific-documentary publication is relevant and necessary given the study of the biography of the famous museologist, Hero of Ukraine Mykhailo Sikorsky and the history of the National Pereiaslav Historical and Ethnographic Reserve. It is noted that to this day a significant array of unique materials (epistolary, business correspondence, manuscripts) associated with his name remains unexplored. Introduction to the scientific circulation of documents will expand the idea of M. Sikorsky, his views, relations with relatives, friends, high-ranking officials of different states. Summing up, the reviewer noted that the publication of such a publication is a significant contribution to the study of prominent figures in Ukrainian museum studies, culturology, and monument studies of Mykhailo Ivanovych Sikorsky.

Key words: Mykhailo Sikorsky, publications, letters, postcards, telegrams, archive, museum.

Received by the editorial board: 18.02.2021


  1. Zaika, N. L., Tkachenko, V. M. (2019). Mykhailo Sikorskyi – pohliad u muzeine maibutnie Pereiaslava [Mykhailo Sikorsky – a look into the museum future of Pereyaslav]. Sivershchyna v istorii Ukrainy [Severshchyna in the history of Ukraine]. Hlukhiv–Kyiv. 12. P. 434–440 [in Ukrainian].

  2. Grudevych, T.V. (Eds.). (2020). Postat Mykhaila Sikorskoho kriz pryzmu poshtovoi korespondentsii [The figure of Mykhailo Sikorsky through the prism of postal correspondence]. Pereyaslav–Kamyanets-Podilsky: Ruta Printing House LLC. [in Ukrainian].