Grygorii Kazmyrchuk, Mariia Kazmyrchuk, Yaroslava Ryabtseva
Grygorii Kazmyrchuk
Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Mariia Kazmyrchuk
Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Yaroslava Ryabtseva
Candidate of Law, associate Professor, lawyer.
DOI: 10.17721/2522-4611.2021.44.2
Abstract. In the article based on archival and published sources covers the activities of two conscious Decembrists of the Southern Society in Tulchin, associates of P. I. Pestel: M. I. Lorer and O. P. Yushnevsky. They took a direct part in the development of the program document of «Rus' Truth», the tactical bases of activity, methods and means for its implementation, and the organizational unity of the Decembrist Society. General scientific principles, method of historiographic analysis and problem-chronological method are applied in the research. M. I. Lorer was a close friend and associate of P. I. Pestel. He absolutely shared the anti-autocratic and anti-serfdom views of the chairman of the Southern Society of Decembrists. Also M. I. Lorer was interested in the Society itself because of existence there the atmosphere of the feverish revolutionary activity. He participated in the discussion of the aspects of «Rus' Truth». Often P. I. Pestel solved operational issues of the Southern Society only in consultation with M. I. Lorer. He's activity is connected with the most important moments of the function of the Southern society. M. I. Lorer always supported the leader of the Southern Society in difficult moments, restraining his radical actions that could harm to him. P. I. Pestel could solve with him the vital and moral problems of society. That is why M. I. Lorer is a real Tulchyn associate of P. I. Pestel. O. P. Yushnevsky had deep knowledge, remarkable erudition, impeccable aristocratic upbringing and enjoyed authority in certain circles. He was an excellent organizer. O. P. Yushnevsky was a man of democratic convictions and had a negative attitude towards serfdom. He became the most active member of the Union of Prosperity, fully sharing the views of P. I. Pestel. He actively and skillfully attracted new members to the ranks of the Decembrists, established ties with other branches of the Secret Society. O. P. Yushnevsky took the most active part in discussions on the future social and political system of the Russian Empire, supporting the republican form of government. He was co-chairman of the Southern Society and influenced the decisions of P. I. Pestel, especially in organizational and tactical tasks. However, the co-chairman’s relations were not always friendly.
Key words: P. I. Pestel, M. I. Lorer, O. P. Yushnevsky, the Southern Society of Decembrists, Tulchyn associate, «Rus' Truth».
Received by the editorial board: 31.03.2021
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