Yurii Roik

Yurii Roik

Ph.D student of Department of Ethnology and Local History, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5968-8848

DOI: 10.17721/2522-4611.2021.44.3




Abstract. The aim of the research is to determinе the reasons for the creation and the specifics of the existence of palaces in the Vinnytsia region (historical Eastern Podillia) from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century. The research task is to analyze the historical background and the main factors of formation and development of palace complexes in the region.

The article covers the history of construction of palaces on the territory of Eastern Podillia from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century. The main emphasis is on important socio-political events of the period under the study and the consequences that awaited the nobility and their property as a result of such historical events as the Bar Confederation, the Four-Year Sejm, the Targowica Confederation, the Partitions of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, November and January Uprisings, etc. Specifics of the transfer of estates to ownership of the Russian nobility are determined. Specific objects such as the Grokholsky Palace in Voronovytsia, the Potocki Palace in Tulchin, the Grokholsky Castle-Palace in Piatnychany, the Komar Palace in Murovany Kurylivtsi, the Chatskyi Palace in Serebryntsi, Admiral Chikhachev’s Palace in Mytky, Chornomyn Palace in the village of Chornomyn, Scherbatova palace in Nemyriv are described.

The results of the study can be used in the development of local lore and historical studies. The study can also be used as a basis for excursion programmes in order to promote the historical and cultural heritage of the region.

Existing studies often either relate to specific sites or mention the monuments out of historical context. On the contrary, this article attempts to explain the whole process of construction and development of palaces in the modern Vinnytsia region. The objects of research are regarded in consideration of historical reality. Influence of historical events and processes on the palaces construction is tracked.

Key words: palace, Eastern Podillia, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russian Empire, gentry, nobility.

Received by the editorial board: 11.03.2021


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