Oleksandra Stasіuk

Oleksandra Stasіuk

Candidate of Sciences, senior researcher of the Institute of Ukrainian Studies I. Krypiakevych NAS of Ukraine.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2957-0432

DOI: 10.17721/2522-4611.2021.44.9



Abstract. Purpose of the article is to highlight the government's measures to prepare for election campaigns to the USSR Supreme Soviets, the Ukrainian SSR and local authorities in the Ukrainian SSR western regions during 1950-1953. There was a decrease in the protest mood of the population in comparison with the elections of 1946-1947, which was the result of the policy of Sovietisation government's implementation, almost complete elimination of members of the national liberation movement and the use of repression.

The special attention of the Ukrainian Central Committee CP (b) and local party committees to the situation with the election campaigns in the western regions was emphasised. At the same time, there has been a decline in interest in conducting pre-election events by local officials due to the well-established pattern of the procedure and the impossibility of disrupting the elections in conditions of increased control over public sentiment by state security agencies. It was emphasised that the custom-made nature of the elections, their conduct in the manual mode and the determination in advance of the people will results had a negative impact on the election procedures quality. It is given specific facts of election legislation violation and negligence responsible persons in the process of election measures implementation and election documentation preparation. It is noted that the outlined tendencies took place not only in the western Ukrainian society, but also in the whole territory of the Ukrainian SSR, which strengthened the absenteeism mood and hidden protest forms among the voters.

In the article, the emphasis placed on the apparent loyalty to the western regions residents elections, who agreed to collaborate with the authorities not for ideological reasons, but in order to avoid repression or in exchange for loyalty to them by the regime. It is argued that in the following years excessive ideology of election procedures, the use of non-legal regulators of the election process by government officials and the extremely insignificant role of the institution of elections in the state led to the spread of social apathy and distrust of the existing system of government.

Key words: western regions of the Ukrainian SSR, Soviet election campaigns of the Ukrainian SSR, the Ukrainian SSR and local authorities, implementation of election procedures, political mood of the population.

Received by the editorial board: 18.03.2021


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