Oleksii Balukh

Oleksii Balukh

Phd in History, assistant professor of the Department of History of Ukraine, Chernivtsi National University named after Yuri Fed’kovych.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000–0001–8091–8118

DOI: 10.17721/2522-4611.2022.45.3





Abstract. The article analyzes the the military and political situation in the North Moldavian lands (Bukovyna) in the first third of the XVI century during the intensification of Ottoman expansion in Central and Eastern Europe and the Polish-Moldavian war of 1530 – 1532. During the reign of Bohdan III in Moldavia, the state of Polish-Moldavian relations remained extremely tense due to the bloody struggle for Pokuttya, which negatively affected the military and political situation in the border lands, including Chernivtsi and Khotyn volostes. However, the short reign of the voivode Stephen IV Young was the most productive and relatively calm in the development of Polish-Moldovan relations. Its activities ensured both economic and demographic stability throughout the country, including in the Bukovynian lands. In particular, there were no conflicts on the northern border of Moldova at that time, as the Moldovan voivode did not lay claim to Pokuttya, so as not to aggravate the country's difficult foreign policy situation due to increasing expansion by the Ottoman Empire. The Turkish sultan constantly increased the amount of tribute, forced the Moldavian troops to take part in their campaigns, and conducted intrigues against the Moldavian voivodes. During the reign of Petru IV Raresh, Polish-Moldavian relations intensified again, in particular, the moldovan voivode began to demand from Poland the return of the territory of Pokuttya, which resulted in another Polish-Moldavian war of 1530-1532. Then the territory of Bukovyna was devastated, the cities of Chernivtsi and Khotyn were burned, and the population of the region felt the force of Polish anger. In this war, Moldavia lost Pokuttya forever, and the position in the state was extremely tense, so Sultan Suleiman I tried to overthrow Petru Raresh from the throne.

Key words: Bukovyna, Pokuttya, Bohdan III, Stefan IV, Petru IV Raresh, Moldavia, Poland, Ottoman Empire.

Received by the editorial board: 10.11.2021


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