Inna Demuz
Inna Demuz
Doctor of History, Professor, chief Researcher of the Department of scientific and methodical work and abstracting, National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.
DOI: 10.17721/2522-4611.2022.45.5
Abstract. The article reviews the activities of regional agricultural societies that operated in the Sumy region in the late 19th – early 20th century.
It is established that in Sumy county of Kharkiv province in the mentioned period there were: Sumy, Upper Syrovatsk, Iskryskovshchynsk, Lower Syrovatsk and Pidlisnivsk agricultural societies. Among the credit and consumer societies of the region are known: Bilopolsk, Large-Chernetchynsk, Upper Syrovatsk, Stepanivsk, Sumy, Rechansk credit societies, Sumy and Yastrebenetsk consumer societies.
It was found that the sectoral associations of farmers and commodity producers of the region performed important functions for the development of rural cooperation, dissemination of advanced agro-economic knowledge, increasing the efficiency of agricultural production. Along with social and educational tasks, which were to promote in the peasantry through numerous activities (including publishing) innovative knowledge and best practices, agricultural societies implemented commercial tasks: the elimination of trade intermediation in the acquisition of items needed for agriculture; elimination of trade mediation in relations between farmers and consumers of agricultural products by organizing direct sales in the markets; processing of the agricultural products by arranging places for slaughter of cattle, mills, bakeries, distilleries, cellars for wine storage, warehouses for drying tobacco, hops, barley; mitigation of fluctuations in prices for agricultural products by arranging general warehouses (agricultural shops) with food stocks; organization of food loans for members by opening their own cooperative banks and cash desks; assisting members in insuring their farms against accidents by arranging mutual insurance or agreements with insurance companies on preferential insurance terms; collective protection of the crops from destructive natural disasters or pests; assisting members in their economic activities by purchasing agricultural implements, machines, setting up laboratories for product analysis, research fields, etc., for a fee.
Key words: public associations; agricultural societies; credit and consumer societies; cultural and educational work; Sumy county; Sumy Agricultural Society.
Received by the editorial board: 27.10.2021
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