Mariya Georgieva

Mariya Georgieva

PhD in history, docent associate Professor at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the National Transport University.


DOI: 10.17721/2522-4611.2022.45.9



Abstract. The article considers the issue of social security of the rural population in Bulgaria after accession to the European Union. The peculiarities of the implemented measures of public authorities to improve the social protection of the rural population, in particular, those engaged in agricultural production, have been clarified. The influence of market transformations on the complex of social problems is analyzed. However, these processes were not easy, in conditions of instability, structural adjustment and was accompanied by a change in the production potential of the agricultural sector of the Bulgarian economy. With the introduction of qualitative changes in agricultural production in accordance with European requirements, it became necessary to improve social legislation and create socially necessary foundations for rural development.

It is determined that without social support the problem of revival and development of the Bulgarian countryside cannot be solved. This support depended on many factors: the state of production of industrial and agricultural products, the pace and quality of agrarian reform, the activities of the social infrastructure of the village, the social policy of the state in the countryside.

The author of the scientific article used the following research methods: the method of systematic analysis made it possible to study the issues of public administration in the field of social protection of the rural population of Bulgaria. In the process of summarizing information on the problem, which is considered in the proposed article. Comparative retrospective and historical methods were used to study aspects of the formation of the social policy system in the Bulgarian countryside. Thus, the study showed that the tasks were implemented and the following conclusions were made: the system of state social policy of Bulgaria was part of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union; improvement of public administration measures on the issue of social protection of the rural population was a necessary condition for the integration of the agricultural sector of the Bulgarian economy into the European space; reforming the social sphere of the Bulgarian countryside was to increase the competitiveness of the industry and improve the living standards of the rural population.

Key words: Bulgaria, agriculture, social protection, integration, provision, European Union.

Received by the editorial board: 9.11.2021


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