Anatolіy Kotsur, Halyna Kotsur
Anatolіy Kotsur
Doctor of Historical Sciences,
Professor of the Department of Ethnology and Local History,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Halyna Kotsur
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the
Department of Archival Studies and Special Branches of Historical Science,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
DОІ: 10.17721/2522-4611.2022.46.4
Mykhailo Petrovych Drahomanov is a man of various scientific interests and directions, a wide range of practical activities. The basis of his life was the word addressed to both supporters and opponents – in hundreds of articles, scientific reports and letters. Brilliant publicist, whose pen all the time served the struggle against the political and spiritual tyranny, against narrow caste interests or lack of enlightenment; an original literary critic and historian of native writing; sociologist and political scientist, deep specialist in the history of antiquity and Middle Ages; public figure and correspondent of dozens of periodicals, he always served to strengthen ties between Dnieper region and Galicia, between Ukraine and Europe, - such versatility, encyclopedicity the entire activity of M. P. Drahomanov stood out.
M. Drahomanov became one of the key figures of the Ukrainian social and political life of the 19th century. He was not just the first Ukrainian theoretician of social democracy, but also rose to the level of developed European democracy thought of that period, and in many aspects he was even ahead of it. Mykhailo Drahomanov is also called the first European ambassador of Ukraine.
M. Drahomanov has the idea of building a Ukrainian political nation. As a true patriot, he believed that a lack of independence is the main disease that consumes everyone aspirations of the Ukrainian people.
Key words: Mykhailo Drahomanov, scientist, public figure, Hromada of Kyiv, Ukrainian people, Ukrainian nation, statist traditions, scientific interests, scientific legacy.
Received by the editorial board: 30.05.2022
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